All programming in this course is done with Python because of its data analysis packages and other useful tools. In addition to the online course, the summer program starts off with a review of Python, data structures, and some specific Python packages. This extra preparation ensures that students are ready to efficiently apply their knowledge of Python for crisis response.
Github Repos
Topics Covered
- How to use Jupyter/Colab Notebooks
- Install system packages with apt, and python packages with pip
- Fundamentals of python and programming:
- packages
- loops and conditionals
- functions
- data structures: lists, dictionaries, iterators
- Numpy
- arrays
- indexing
- matrix math
- summary functions (max, min, std, avg)
- Pandas
- column names, data types
- filtering and logical indexing
- joining, pivoting
- generating statistics
- Visualizing data
- matplotlib, histograms, heatmaps, imshow
- time series, graphs